Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Shitty First Drafts by Anne Lamott

I was very skeptical about this reading because of its name, but after reading it I’ve realized that everyone if going to have a shitty first draft. Anne Lamott says the first draft is the child’s draft, where you just let the information just pour out and not worry if it’s not coherent. She explains that even professional writers have first drafts. Anne herself has trouble writing that first draft. Almost all good writing begins with terrible first drafts. She refers to the first draft as a down draft second as the up draft and the third as the dental draft. That’s a great way of putting it I think. Anne learned from being a food columnist that you can never have a good paper without having a crappy first draft. Lamott suggests that we should ignore the voices that are in our heads and put them in a mason jar for safe keepings. After reading this I’m not as worried about writing my next paper because I’ve learned that everyone worries. So I should stop worrying and just get something down on the paper. I thought Anne was funny the way she put everything. It made this reading more interesting to me.

1 comment:

  1. Stefan, I can completely agree with you in what you have to say about this essay by Anne Lamott. At first I did not realize how much this excerpt would help me with my writing. Anne opened up a whole new world in drafts for me so when I write I am not as worried about if it is perfect or not. I have always had an ability to write okay but I never knew if it was good or not so the shitty first draft will help me a lot in the long run. I now know that I need to just stop worrying and write.
