Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Giants think Brady's parade 'story' is ridiculous

I don’t watch much football to begin with but what Tom said was just taken out of context. The media just needed a story to run so the made one up. What I find funny is when the media asked other Giants players they said that making a big deal out of this is worse than what tom actually said. All he said was he was going to have an even bigger party in three weeks meaning he would win the super bowl, but he didn’t so that makes this story even funnier. I can understand why New York made a big deal about these comments they had nothing else to talk about so why not run a BS story. I do not think it was trash talk more motivating his fans and teammates I am sure the Giants did the same thing.  In the end, I did not like this reading because it was about something that if I never heard about that would have been just fine by me. This story is just another example of the media overanalyzing stories. What I find funny is he lost the super bowl and after no one was talking about what he said before the game. 


  1. I agree with Stefan’s comment. This entire story could have been completely avoided if it was not for the media overanalyzing it. Tom Brady’s statement was taken out of context and the media tried to make it much more than it was. I agree that it was definitely not trash talking, Tom Brady was just pumping up the fans like he was suppose to do and I would bet the Giants did the same thing. Stefan brought up a good point, after the Super bowl was over and Tom Brady lost, no one talked about what he said before the game, so why bring it up before.

  2. I think that this was definitely a case of over analyzing. If both the New England and the New York fans agree that what Brady said is nothing to get all worked up about, you can start to assume that the media is just trying to play games. It makes sense that the media would take this too far, especially with not much else to talk about. I don't think that the media should have to try and take things out of context to make a story, but I understand that they have to do their jobs and I was happy to see that the football players did not try to blow the situation up more than it already had been. They could have easily taken it a step forward and turned everything into a huge ordeal.
