Monday, August 22, 2011

How to Mark a Book, Mortimer Adler

Adler in my opinion sounds like he knows what he is talking about. I would totally agree with him on the statement about comparing buying a beefsteak and buying a book. I think he means that we should become absorbed into our books, so we truly understand what is happening in the book. I agree with Alder when he talks about being active when you are reading. Trying to read when you are tired can be a real struggle. I would agree with him that there is no right speed for reading. Everyone has their own ways of reading and just because you’re a slow reader doesn’t mean you have a low intelligence. It just means you take your time to completely understand what you're reading. When Alder talks about the soul of a book I think he is speaking about the story that happens in the book and how you interpret it for yourself. I would agree with him about there being three types of book owners. I think I would be the third type of book owner. After reading this I have come to realize how important writing in the margins and underlining can be, and how much it can help you understand what you are reading.


  1. Stefan, what you wrote about this essay by Mortimer Adler completely relates to what I thought when I was reading this essay. You brought up being the third type of book owner and I found out that I am one of those too. From this story we have both come to the conclusion that it is very important to highlight and leave little notes about the material that you are reading while you are reading it. Before reading this story I never thought about highlighting in a book but now I will. It made us both realize just how important it is.

  2. You are exactly right. Adler knows 100% what he is talking about because he is able to back everything up with tons of information. I also am on the same page as you when you say you like his comparison to beef steak and buying a book. The book must first be absorbed into you before you can fully understand it as Adler says and when you buy a beef steak its not fully absorbed or in you until you eat it all. Also i agree on how you think there is no right speed for reading, because some people are able to read things fast and remember what they read and some people just have to read slow to be able to comprehend and remember what they read.
